
Archive for the ‘Homosexualidad’ Category

The homosexuality issues and homosexual marriage

octubre 31, 2011 6 comentarios

Homosexual marriage is an issue very problematic because affects to many institutions and tradi­tional beliefs. Mainly it affects to religion, but also in some aspects some people have treated ho­mosexuality as an illness and until the 70s was considered by psychiatrists as it, a illness that could be cured. But from the 70s the WHO(World Health Organization) left to consider homosexuality like an illness. If not, that in medical terms is something that can’t be treated, and that is normal, natural. Then from this point the people have changed their vision on homosexuality. And have star­ted to be more accepted, in the occidental world. And then, from that point the homosexuals have been fighting to have the same rights than the heterosexual couples, this means to be able to marry.

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